Promo Girl - Basketball

27. Promo Girl
What will i be doing?
        Promoting products assigned to you.

What will i need to start?
        A pleasing personality and willingness to do field work

Who will my customer be?
         Mall goers or homeowners

How much should i charge?
        I change P300 for mall duties and P350 to P400 for field work "says Mary del Carmen" an office employee

How much will i make?
        Fifty to 80 percent of your fee after deducting your food and transport expenses

28. Basketball clinic organizer
What will i be doing?
          Organizing workshops for kids who want to learn the game

What will i need to start?
           Basketballs, basketball coaches and assistants you can tap, and a venue for the clinic

Who will my customers be?
           Kids who want to learn basketball

How much should i charge?
          P1,500 to P2,000 per person per session. Once session lasts two hours a day for eight straight weekends

How much will i make?
          You'll need 15 to 20 participants to break even and more to make money. Expect half of your earnings to pay for the venue, the coaches, and their assistants.

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